
Demon Slayer’s Greatest Weakness

Demon Slayers Greatest Weakness Rengoku vs Akaza

What’s Demon Slayer’s Greatest Weakness?

If you have noticed in Demon Slayer the upper Demons can never beat one on one.
An excellent example of this is Rengoku vs Akaza and why Rengoku could not beat Akaza on his own.

Rengoku vs Akaza met in battle, and we know how that one ended up being 1 on 1.

But Akaza did mention that Rengoku has a great fighting spirit but overtakes him.

Why did Akaza overtake Rengoku?

Because Rengoku was fighting alone, it seems to be a trend in Demon Slayer.
Is this what makes a human different from a demon is it their ability to fight together?

Every time one of the 12 moons is defeated it is because a team of Demon Slayers

works together to fight them.

Like the example from above one on one an upper rank demon will win against a human no matter every time, but could this change anytime down the road? I guess we will have to wait and see.

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