Lycoris Recoil Manga Release Information
When did Lycoris Recoil Manga release?
The manga of Lycoris Recoil is finally out today 9-5-22
Where can I buy the Lycoris Recoil Manga?
It was released in the October 2022 issues of Comic Flapper
Is the Manga of Lycoris Recoil good as the Anime?
So far it is very good, really like the clean cute art direction they took this
So far, each action panel in the manga lives up to what the anime is and flows nicely
The Manga does a great job portraying the main characters in the series
For example, Chisato and Mizuki are super expressive and their facial expressions stood out.
Also, like how they made Takina in the series, her expressions are on par with the Anime series.
So far character has been done correctly in this Manga.
I expect other characters expressions to shine throughout this Manga series.
However, there were a few changes in the first action scene and a few small additions in the character
Dialog on the first chapter, I would assume they are doing this to keep the Manga a little original for
Anyone who has watched the Anime already.
I am liking where this Manga is going so far from Yasunori Bizen and will report back for the next
Upcoming chapters when they are released.
Here are some preview images from the Manga Lycoris Recoil after its release
Source: Twitter